n order to protect their children, parents frequently go above and beyond, sometimes even facing the repercussions of their own previous choices. This is the situation with Ethan “ModBoy” Bramble,

an Australian parent who gained notoriety for removing his daughter’s painful laser tattoos in order to make her life easier. To spare his daughter any humiliation or trouble when she gets older, Bramble, a deeply tattooed and altered person, has decided to undo some of his excessive body art, especially those on his face.
Bramble, who resides on New South Wales’ Central Coast, transformed himself into a walking piece of art by spending around $40,000 USD on tattoos and physical alterations. Stretching his earlobes at the age of eleven marked the beginning of his adventure into the realm of body modification.
His body had undergone over 40 changes by the time he was 22 years old, including the loss of his belly button, a split tongue, a pierced nose, and tattoos covering his entire face and body. Inserting a silicone spider beneath his hand’s skin was one of his more noticeable modifications.
Fatherhood has changed Bramble’s outlook, even though he has lived an outspoken lifestyle that garnered notoriety on social media. Bramble said, “I don’t regret getting tattoos, but I would like to be seen differently, especially around my daughter.

” When I take her to school, for example, I’m concerned about the criticism she might encounter. His face tattoos in particular worry him since he believes they might draw unwelcome attention to or condemnation of his daughter.
“I don’t want my daughter to have to deal with the face until she’s older because it’s a big thing that can cause problems—not for everyone, but for some.”

Bramble has changed more than just the ink. He made the drastic decision to split his tongue at the age of 17, which he called “the most intense adjustment” because of the agonizing agony and the subsequent five days of having to sleep upright.
However, the public’s and law enforcement’s response proved a turning point in spite of the physical difficulties. Although the details of his accusations are still unknown, he achieved notoriety on social media by the age of 18 for “taunting police” while an arrest warrant was out for him.

Bramble kept pushing the limits of bodily modification in the years that followed. With more than 125,000 followers, his Instagram account developed into a gathering place for admirers captivated by his dramatic metamorphosis. However, his motives have changed since then.
His daughter has become the center of his attention, and he is resolved to “clear the canvas,” as he described it, for her sake. “I’ve had laser surgery for the past 12 months or so. I’ve probably gone over the entire thing six or seven times, but we do it in chunks,” Bramble said.
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<p>Noting that “mental stuff is a funny thing to pin down, but I want to think that a lot of the anxiety was from just having a face full of tattoos,” he attributed his decision to anxiousness.</p>
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